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“The Best of…” - An exciting tour for experts and wine-lovers who want to learn more about the
excellent wines that have marked the history of Casa Vinicola Garofoli. A journey through five
generations, which starts from the hills of Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi area and goes to the Adriatic
coast, where we find Rosso Conero. Tasting of:
“The Best Of..” Tour takes you on a visit to the barrel cellar, the caveau where Metodo Classico wines
are aged, and a picturesque walk through the wooden pupitres. After, there is the guided tasting of
Garofoli wines. The tasting features some typical products and a sampling of Garofoli Blend EVO
oil and Garofoli EVO oil of the single variety made from Ascolana Tenera (according to availability),
which come from our own olive groves.
Typical Products Pairing with Garofoli Wines:
* In case of unavailability of a product, it will be replaced with another typical product.
Allergies and Diet: we kindly ask you to report any allergies, food intolerances or preferences of a
vegetarian / vegan menu to our email address when you proceed with the
booking of the tour.
Everything that is not specified in the previous points.
Recommended for
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Check out our FAQs that answer our customers most frequently asked questions: you may find the answer to your question.
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