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After a long hike or a simple walk take the time for let your legs relax with this stimulating and hot massage made with hot salts, an anti-lactic acid treatment.
Enjoy every moment of your vacation and enjoy all the experiences this region has to offer, we'll take care of your regeneration.
Among the services of the structure stands out the indoor Spa, who has the sauna, turkish bath, salt cave, emotional shower and hydromassage pool.
The pool and citrus garden of our Relais is facing on a unique panorama: San Michele's beach, one of the best beaches of the whole Riviera del Conero, where the pineta meets the golden of the sand and the blue of the sea. Relaxing on poolside will allow to live a unique experience to our guest, in total harmony with nature and the territory. A mixture of sounds, scents and fascinating past wil make every moment spent an unforgettable story at the Relais San Michele.
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Check out our FAQs that answer our customers most frequently asked questions: you may find the answer to your question.
The best experiences, with qualified operators